Saturday, December 28, 2013

Non Existing

You do not exist
For I have not created you yet...

If I would want
You could cure

So many have come close,
only to fail miserably
at the demands of my dementia...

With a multitude of thoughts
And a series of trails
One must recycle endlessly

For Nothing more than a Memory

No matter how much an intention be
Your presence fades easily as it came
I will conclude without denial and sacrifice
Now continue to bleed and creed your stand

With all this turmoil and confusion
You retreat and deny

Too bent out of shape to give a concept of reality
"I am too confused to make up my mind"
All too eager to mend your ways of dealing
Better to dismiss than deal, easy way out
Only to bring you back to the battle of

Consume will they say
For yet I shall see
And delight in your mind
Rip and tear any and all beliefs far beyond your comprehension


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Another moment

No I shall not give into your style

I am not here to amuse your adolescent ignorance and shallow opinions

Build up your walls as I have already crushed everyone with experience and repetition
Yet you continue to believe without consequences...

Bitter? No bitter than the scorned which could not hold a thought

Would not know happiness if it crept into every orifice of your mentality

Well the "one" does not exist for the reason of your infinite demands and limitations
Shall never find, as it was never was...

Such easy it is to not attempt or ignore
And wonder why your empty is never filled...

But most convincing of the lot
Is the ones that actually have no clue
Yet continue to dismiss the confusion
Only to be confronted with blatant excuses
Which of course only fuels your vicious cycle

Ah, such delight it is to generalize
Gets the hairs raised and self infecting giggles...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Red the red that fury blinds

Your presence seems to press my buttons
And my buttons be high
My presence seems to press your buttons
And your buttons be nigh

And so now are you suppose to be considered my ex
Since only for a bit we tangled and mangled our words
On a couch we cuddled and giggled about our success
Only to have it fade within days
Now we hold each other at length
Such a short bout it was and fast to conclude

So it was, what is was
A sparkle and flame, rose too high
And out of control, for both of us

Another story to keep and to use against
our "I told you so" mentality

But we did
"destroyed each other, and did not make history"...

random memory #814:

night started out dragging, each group car hopping and making plans that go no where. suddenly unexpected opportunity knocks gently on my window.
"hey, what you guys up to?"
"nothing, you?"
"probably head to _____'s house"
" yeah, you wanna come along?"
"sure, we will follow..."

- such a trio of friends, matched with a trio of potentials, while the 6 of us consume jack and breezers
- picking straws and dibs, soon becomes obsolete, as our female counterparts have their own intentions
- the night and consumables soon fade and our matches make their presence
- each couple heads in their own direction
- in a dark light room, the touch of goose bumps collide
- sounds of heavy breathing and moans fill the hallways
- whilst only a certain version be present within my grasp, I shall conclude with that destination

eddie's black on the tape
in a grey mustang
sun coming up over the trees
windows rolled down to get the cool morning air in
3 buddies quietly contemplate
contemplate the events of the mornings endeavours

to a city that resides over the bridge...

Room Full of Dresses

Thrown into a room, to make us communicate
Your attempt to make small talk is executed with nervousness
And I calm your chills with a warm hand upon your thigh

As the power goes out and we sit in the dark
I feel your hand poke my face and lips
Trying to get a grasp of where I am

I pull your hand and body closer to mine
And just as we are about to connect the power comes on
Sending a jolt and sudden fright throughout your spine
Whether it was timed or not, it gave us a story to remember...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Not my Car...

With a glance, I vision the past in which we first met
Your mind is already made, with your own first look
Soon to be overturned with the conversational array of banter
and a look that makes you confused and curious
as I raise my head back over the table

On a couch, in a house, on a street, on the east side
we continue to battle our beliefs and bruises
And in a test of my interest, you leave
And stubborn as I am, retreat to the next opponent
Much more and less, we eventually rebound
Only your need is far more exceeded than mine
For now your ease is calmed with my presence

Yet you continue to throw hoops for me to jump through
And I little by little embrace your tactics
And break your concentration
And resolve your intentions

At the request of the time and limits set upon the party
We exit the premises and conclude to our modes of transportations
As I in the state of my consumption
Am not allowed to pursue my course

For your judgement is not whether I am capable
But for your own lingering temptations
I am convinced to enter an agreement with your direction
While others are not invited, we now alone
At your request

Long distance to get back to our starting point
And so our chance to revive the night is conquered
Assumptions are smoothed out and explained
Yet we hold back our intentions

After all the obstacles of the night
We end up in the parking lot of the place that started it all
Lies upon lies are spewed from our mouths
Yet you still believe me, only for your own amusement

You smirk and giggle at my nervousness
and awkward stance, as I question your motives
Your clear of your stance and make it so
You withhold your actions, in fear of consequences

As I do not give you what you wanted, you insist
As I give you what you insist, you overcome
As I resist you, you resist
And we end up on our own path...

to be continued for our next encounter...

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ramble Take One

Looking around the crowd, all unfamiliar faces, enjoying the company of their counterparts.
Laughter and smiles, makes one enjoy its own solace.
And from out of the crowd, comes one with smiles and sparkles in her eyes.
Must wonder the mind frame this one has, to justify the possibility of an encounter.
How one views their own identity amuses many, and may also be considered a curse for consideration.

Hide behind some mask and pretend to ignore the possibility that truth is but a deception.

All memories from now on, will be considered bliss, for if your presence in them caused any distress according to new principles, shall be void and forgotten.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Unspoken with those Walls

As we sit in a room, not a word spoken
emotional drips of tears, fade into the cloth
Your intentions are folded and creased with deceitful mutations

Now time passes, and creates a void within your existence
I shall pull every pain and gain within that pulsating gutter of whole
And without further notice and unsuspecting visuals claim your position

As I plant the seed of doubt, and watch it rapidly carousel through your thoughts
Little by little, leaving a trail of membranes of mortality soon to decay...

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Your references only conclude your actions
for which you are limited
Relate this to the most and all of your intentions

Restricted and subdued to eventually exhausted permutations of thought.
Now question every thought and motive you would have given as a consequence.

Such feeble illusional creatures of creation, I speak of those low on the self worth
Speak of fear as an excuse to explain your actions or non actions thereof...

Sacrifice and Sustain those wishes, take them to the grave and bury them alive.
Blink and gone are your existences of thought patterns.

Now to gently caress that little lope and

Pile Up

And alas, these thoughts have been piling up in this cranium of mine.
Seems they will either destroy my intentions or have forced themselves into this outlet.

Now on with the show:
first and foremost, would like to thank the many instances that have presented themselves with great accuracy and pin point deliberation.

No matter how hard I try, these misleading and totally understanding only within my membranes,  will break out and cling onto anything willing to give my shallow existence the time of day. Which of course only feeds my insatiable overthinking. 

I actually dislike to explain my explanations, seems only to dig a deeper hole in which many find their desires and fetishes. Sure I could just give them simple words and simple instructions. But that would seem to easy and almost deviant on my part.

Many more words to greet those wishing to find a concept or excuse to label the participate invalid.

Come, come and seek that missing piece. or better yet, sit on that side of the fence and throw projectiles of doubt and misery. for we all know, well not all, but most with the ability to see past their past.

Start, middle, end, give a clear path for to follow, make sense, or I shall enter the state of confusion.

Until next time...

Monday, September 30, 2013

Soon my Victory

Half way on this tightened Rope
and the Feeling is Mute
Sweet and Spleen upfront and Forward

Now on this trip to Erica
Will be only hint and nods
Given the more and riddles a clue

Backlash and revenge causes those not mentioned
And those named not within the parameters
Will turn and fade my memory and forget me not

Chosen one must in order to complete
Tears of victory when and will drench
My crush, my reason, my creation...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Such Ease

On tip of your finger, my intention is calculated
A little glance my way, my creation is manipulated
And deep within goes my deviance dies...

Such scorned your smile
While I before You
Such screams within
While I after You
Never in between where bliss should boil...

crumble my coward
stumble my rumble
all for that sea of treason
and wine devour...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Passion of Past

The blondes that be
Always showed me
What should not see
Under violent season
Without a Reason
Avoidance and Obsolete
Removal at its Finest...

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mental Stimulation

Such a battle to break those walls

Even when broken, victory seems bleak

For the treasure is not what was intended

Or give in to the next available with no standards

Seems like a likely route to avoid pain

Weakness You display, not a position on the podium 

Craving Mental Stimulation

For which one can not find

Easy enough task, but with a gesture of grotesque

to perceive one as a notable neglect

To constipated with emotional scars to express yourself

Or willing to let your potential position exceed with advance


Furiously Frustrated


Mental Stimulation


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Company of Creatures

If I let you, You would consume me
As I would consume you with out a doubt

Seems familiar this situation
The situation in which smalls words and phrases mean nothing
Counterfeit your Conclusions
For I know, as I made your expenses

Back and forth with meaningless dribble and hopes of saying something worthy
Gather together, your Covenant can crumble

Give it more thought, and You may see
Those intents forge greater wisdom
For blue collar and cupid instruments of
Fear and Fire...

Alone At Least

For ever and more, I shall smother your intentions
Not a chance to rethink and collect the pieces
I Deity your emotional bleeds
Caress and surge ample amounts of scars

Build You up to watch you float down to my existence
Bombard Your reactions with counters and deflections
Never cease to increase my arousal
The One poison injection, be boredom, that play thing in the bottom of the pile
Such a mass of toys collected through the Years of precise Deceptions
One must keep track of the nuances and truancies lead out of your Heart

Now then, will that outbound for confusion
I must entrain a trail of suspicion, for some where along this jaded path
For which You carried me, without even a sliver of conscious consequences

Of course You wanted it All,
And with a Flick of chosen Fingers
Beckon balloons pop, as You come tumbling after

Alone at Least
Until I Allow...

Monday, September 9, 2013

When absence times out

Only stay afar, to see when You may depart
The longer the wait, the longer the freight
upon my guilt...

On a bridge You sit shapeshifted and wait
while I stare from a distance
My feet cemented, my mind Demented
of thoughts for you...


Side to side you gaze in search
of My pupils that surround a glow green
Slowly and hesitantly you leave
Looking back over shoulder one last time

My reason, for such an act
would be to save You the sorrow of my ways
Your innocence, is what saved you
on that leaf dropping evening

As deviant my heart
somehow, some reason declared
a pinch of pain, was worth it...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Reasons to Keep You Longer...

in early morning
as you sleep
I stare at your face
and wonder why me

I blow at your nose
and you twitch
I tug at your lip
and you awake and smile
You asked me, "what are you doin?"
I say "Enjoying the moment..."

As you turn over
and fall back asleep
I reset the clock
For reasons to keep
You longer...

Only time for you is Precious
And for me to be at Fault
For now
All I have left is your anger
towards me,
- My only intent -
For reasons to keep
You longer...

On a fence

"on a fence" you sat
I stood between your legs
- we talked about nothing -
the sun would leave soon
and again we must part
to hold us over for next time
we caressed and touched our lips

I still have your scent upon my shirt for the walk home
and in my mind
your hair blows and glows, as I watch you disappear around the corner
but most of all, I still have the memory to last

I still visit the spot we said we would "see ya later"
Your vision still appears on the fence
but in reality, I know you are gone

well that "see ya later" will have to wait
for we know we will stay here forever "on a fence"
the most daunting feeling that lingers
is letting myself let you go...

to be continued...

Addiction Complete...

This one may hurt
As I spurt
My last regret...

Only needed your mind
To feed my Dark Desires
As We Conspire...

My insatiable Lust
To Thrust your Depths
Addiction Complete...

Madness and Tears

madness and tears drip
as I grip
your emotions...

Reasons blurred
and stirred
your emotions...

Clash of mental restrictions
Break us apart,
Our emotions...

Melt Within

in the tall grass we lay
NOT looking at the above
for the reflection in each other's eyes
shines brighter than the real...

Breeze causes you to sneeze
and make the face that
melts me within...

Worse Together

the greatest attempt we made
was to mend our ways
yet we feed on our destruction
better apart, worse together...
if fate and faith had their way
and words spoken on that day
we would have sealed our peace...

Smile Breaker

with a smile that breaks me
seems every time we meet
we start over and over
we follow each other, chase
we ignite, we fire, we fizzle...

Midnight Light

standing there in the distance, not sure if you are smiling
shivering and shaking, wet from the night rain
waiting for my arrival, alas you notice my presence...

street lamp reveals your glow and mine
walking through shadows and silence
soon our destination seeks our location...

to be continued...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Strong Scent

I smelt a smell that forced my memory into overdrive, today
Never has a memory been so strong
All my tingles and relapses on my spot...

How the way I thought as a child, and now to look back on those thoughts
Become increasingly both redundant and surprisingly superseding
Of the state in which I have conceived and concluded

To sit and strike a conversation  with my former self
Would cause irrelevant circumstances, as both collide with opinions
And most importantly, both would prove the impossible

As I often thought about myself in the future, now I am here
And remind myself of when and where I was...

A note to another Future, and one to Look back on this occasion

to be continued, for reference of looking back again...

Monday, September 2, 2013

Combine and Rhyme

Combine and Rhyme
Once was Said
And the fear of losing it
for this one too had been concluded without doubt...

Where we are now

And so it has come to this moment
for now and forever
a place of neither here nor there
blah blah blah, lost the train of thought on this one...

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Always Was...

I always was and will be the reason why You could not understand my reasoning
Eventually Your capacity to remain, became the same
Possibility never could conceive within your thoughts
Which in turn, lead You to an endless path of destruction

Now for a new conception for Your hunger
Fills your void, which of course never will
Be as long as I hold the temptation dangling out of reach
Stick with me, it will soon be over and You can
go back to reality for which you constantly crave
Go ahead, touch that object and feel what it is like
To feel, now create...


You are Your Tears
that Taint my...

You are Your Fears
that Faint my...

And there for Compress
And there for Impress

My mind full of Memories

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Such weakness for Your Presence

shhh, you whisper in my ear, to calm my mood
You know my intentions and reactions more so than I could ever know
my Potential is exponential in your presence
Your embrace and touch chills my devious thoughts
rampant and racing my emotions spin out of control
but with a simple glance of your smile
makes it conclude and seclude...

This all comes most when needed, as a fresh awakening
Makes me feel its all worth the wait and struggle of doubt within

The power over my chances, are given without hesitation or contemplation
The circumstances will and will always be for my benefit
and most of all, like many times before, I without a doubt
give in and reveal my weakness
to your affections...

Growl and Post

Growl and Post
for which I have found
Not my situation, but can relate with little significance
A vision of your screaming and tears
Fills the hardest heart with pain and regret

Life moves you forward and leaves a hole
Life is created as a result...

Such beauty and talent combined, and combined would
With the thought of how those two would
have been...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Almost there

I shall trigger an Avalanche of words upon You
Only to watch You crumble relentlessly for more
We never did settle the score...

My hand out stretched, reaching for You
Only to watch You stumble carelessly for the door
We never will dream no more...

My last reason to treason Your wrath
Will be our longest Path

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Trail

Such a trail I leave for You
Catch me if you can
Scream more and struggle to win

Alas it has come this confrontational fit
Lay down this gauntlet and watch You
Sleeplessly stray sideways...

Sure I would rain pain upon Your heart
And Crush your spine with ease
But nothing more pleasurable than planting the seed of doubt
and watch You question your own existence...

Worst enemy is within, and this is a test
relate all these words, try to match them to You
Rise Your interest and begin contesting your beliefs
Challenge and Reason with yourself...

Give it all thought and come out numb

The more you convince Yourself, the deeper the hole
The Hole which will consume
Your opinion...

Combination of few

That room held a lot of memories
and a lot of trophies...

Skin upon Skin
We shall begin
Motion of Commotion

All the same in the end
we ended up friends
some not more than others...

I am suppose to miss those thoughts
I am suppose to wish those again
I am suppose to forget, which would put an end
to the hunger of trying to figure out My inner...

Carry on as nothing was carried
Push forward into
Those words said, and unsaid
still remain...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Freedom Within

Melting mind of continuous complex
Randomly subjecting words and emotions
Finding ease and fast ways to complete a cycle...

Soon enough, many contributions will convey
Convey a pattern and system to these ramblings
One in the future may decipher and collect
A message and conclusion...

Or simply dismiss all alterations and a bounty

and yes it is true about what you think about
only need not explain your situations to those
in denial and ones that wallow in their own filth...

hard to boost this internal findings about and to others
when carefully choosing sentences for the masses
"he's gone mad" - nay - "little bit looney", I say...

which on occasion has been referred to as "Freedom Within"

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cruel Intent:

Inside of you I seek inspiration
Inside of you I meek desperation

Screams of vibrating solace
Taunt old Memories to surface

Your intentions creep Slowly
Up and through my Lowly
Haunted Heart...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Say farewells or Good riddance

Your mind was feeble when I met You
Now feeding upon emptiness without Me
Ego made me do it, good thing I wasted mine a long time ago

Comfort comes so easy when in the moment
Gigantic gaps in memory fade certainty
Now with that out of the way
I must move on, without resources
Why must I remain, when numb of self destruction

Give this three, and a last verse
A gentle bow, and simple curve of motion
Tip of the hat, signals retreat...

Dream revisited:

in the snow we leave our tracks, I chase You and You giggle
in the snow we leave our history, I submit and You squiggle
out of my embrace, higher and higher you rise out of reach
and I continue to chase, without haste

Up to the stars you float away, and step by step I step
Suddenly on top a roller coaster we sit, roller coaster is made of candy canes and wheels of life savers, with a huge blast, down we go, very slow we stop, and I turn to touch your neck to give a peck

to be continued...

scramble words

scramble words with intent of getting it across
a point that will make You see
what You left lying on the side
over, more references will soon create that one
Soon, I feel You closer every day
Ringing my brain, without reasonable consequence
only we choose to tease each other with absence...

hold my heart

surrounded by a bliss, hold my heart
place upon Yours
surrounded by a kiss, hold my art
rolling of my mind...

down we spiral

down we spiral, tumble and laugh
instant happy buzz memory
down we tumble, laugh and spiral
out of control...

mixed feeling

such a mixed feeling this be
when options are open and choices
collapse upon missed opportunities

redundant loops make for frantic fantasies
redundant loops make for frantic fantasies
redundant loops make for frantic fantasies

confusion is what I gave You
You have no choice but to contemplate my intentions
Giving up was easy, making no sense defends

Go ahead and dismiss, pass on, and focus elsewhere
No intention of submitting to your exceptions...

Sunday, July 21, 2013

random memory #173:

on a midnight drive, we park along the side of the road, as our destination is only reachable on foot. hand in hand we walk through trees and grass up to our knees. up hills and rocks and things that crack. only armed with lighters and moonlight, we finally reach the spot. lay our blankets and bodies. as we wait and wait, soon our presence is known and company soon arrives. one whistles, two whistles maybe three. enough to grab their attention. we gaze upon oceans in the sky and waves crashing with greens and blues. as quickly they come, quickly they go. enough to feed our desire and spark our fire. we lay silently in still night for we need not speak, our actions are enough...

At Last:

Your hair ripples in waves
You call out in caves

I await at the other end
Assuring you my friend

As we connect, our lust
Undeniable will thrust

Soon our searching is over...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Little bit Darker? No?

To make matters worse
As I drag "you" from that Hearse

Bits and Pieces, left all alone
such a Vagrant drone
Come from our Hearts...

Deep within
We spin
Out of Control

Emotional dysthymia
Cured by a Breathing Kiss
delivers an utmost Bliss

but as "you" can see
that can not be

My dear Corpse...

How you Feeling?

Tell me how "You" really Feel
And I will Peel
the Layers of regret
from your Subset...

Ponder along
Wonder along
or merely tag
You are it...

Such a simple Game
it is all the same
when it comes to blame
it is all the same


And now that, that wrench
is thrown
And "You" fall from your throne
welcome to below
from that pillar "You" once stood...

On and On, I could go
with this one man show
But alas, the contents of my cranium default

But wait there is more

to be continued...

Try to Figure out

When Hours
Turn Sour
and Power
to Create Cease

One glance
turns my Trance
turns my Fixation
into Strangulation...

 Care not to Follow
For You may wallow
all you want, while waiting
for an explanation...


If I dive too Dark
without a Remark
will You still be...

Be the One
who shall come undone
and Collapse...

Piece by Piece
slowly I Capture
Your Rapture...

Only to Find
Your Mind
is a Torture I can not Bare
or Spare...

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Random Memory: Alone at Last

Such a sweet little thing, not a heavyweight in the alcohol consumption department. But those eyes could drink anyone under the table. Jet black hair past the shoulders, soon to be in a ponytail. Sitting and sipping in the corner talking about nothing in particular. My interests and your interests are exchanged as to try to keep the conversation going. Awkward silence, soon ends as we begin to speak at the same time. "No you go first" I said, as I try to listen, but Cypress Hill be too loud, and she notices. So without hesitation she grabs my hand and leads us to a more quiet area of the house party. Weaving and waving to those in our path, soon we reach our destination. Alone at last, was your intent, that you reveal in my ear. As we start to make a connection, your inner ability to hold the contents of your "belly" soon makes its appearance. Now if only I could have seen your expression and feelings, in that dark room, as I lay there with your excretions on my chest. Not sure if your immediate dash to the bathroom was from embarrassment or the need to pray to the porcelain god. I dust myself off and get up to check on you. Now this is the vision that is engraved in my mind. As I open the door, your eyes are tear filled and devastated as you look at me. I gently pull your hair back and put it in a ponytail from the elastic that was in my hair. Give you some water and rub your back. I only said I wouldn't tell anyone, I never promised...
Like ·  · 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Random Memory: Double Trouble

Alone we sat, in my coloured room, with signatures of those who visited,
red heart shaped trophies from a high school game, taped randomly between poetry and flowers. Incense here and one over there. "where is my mind?" playing over and over on my mixed tape. Knock Knock, echoes on the downstairs side door, I hesitantly remove myself, to see who would be knocking this late. To my surprise, it is the one that should not have been, not now. While one waits up, and one questions me down. In the middle I ponder, ponder how one should handle the situation. But to my amazement, later my amusement. The one below, has come to let me know that our "situational relationship" is not operational (who actually says that?, she came to dump me). No matter, even though one would think that since we have not talked in weeks, that our "situational relationship" was indeed ended...
Right, you ask, what about the one above. Well, seems the walls in that old house are not the best of being a sound barrier. For she obviously heard our conversation. That and the look on her face when I returned. Also the fact that she threw my mixed tape at me.
So there I lay, without my "pixies", without my significant other. Only thing I have left is the memory and ammunition to write about it, so many years later...

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Fair Game

Was warned, and scorned
Battled and Bruised
yet Still I Cruised

Into your Arms,
Into your Thorns,

Still I Stand
without Demand

One Last time
Just to be sure
I need no cure

Your Scent

Night after Night
In hopes of Your Return
Can not remember what I have forgotten
Your Scent, brings it all Crashing back
for Lack
of better words...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Waiting for Another

On a "Bench" I sit, looking out at the river flow
something does not feel right, and I soon will know

Suddenly I feel hands upon my eyes, "Guess who?"

My answer is wrong, but to my surprise
It is a long time Friend, of unmeasurable size

In the back of my mind, I wonder where is my intended
Old Friend occupies my time, as time passes splendid
Thoughts derail my concentration, and Old Friend takes notice
For she cuts the conversation short, and I feel hapless

Hours pass, and still no sight, which gives a fright
Setting sun, soon turns to night, with street light
Alas my time is up, as I turn to go
I see a shadowy figure mow

the path of grass, across the way
the path of another

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Random Memory: My View

The lights are out, only lights comes from the stereo,
The stereo that plays Our Song,
As we lay there in Darkness, rocking back and forth.

This may be our last night together, and you know that
And I suddenly know too, as I feel drops on my Cheek
Situations have sent us in Opposite directions...

We try to figure out a way, a way to stay, forever
Which only makes us more frustrated and jaded
We fight to stay awake, as I watch your eyes close

A shadow over my eyes wakens me, for I wished it was You
but only to find, that it is the sun piercing through the trees
Morning has come, and departure is upon
Ever so slowly, I remove myself from your embrace
My last vision of You, is sleeping sound and at Peace
and I would not have it any other way...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

The one Red head

In the early morning,
As I sit on the top step, and You stand below
Looking up at Me
I ask for you to come closer,
As that was your intention...

The look on your Face
Questions my Existence,
The smiles we exchange
Lead us only to the inevitable...

Such curls and pearls hang
as the Sun shines through
Your fiery hair
Can not help, but stare...

Strong emotions have made this memory last
Now in words, may it last forever...

Random Thoughts:

Will you shiver my Spine
And Drink my Wine
Even if it be Poison...

I will, have, and eventually Break
This Passion
And Fashion

Tip Toe on my Center
Answers Bleed
Such a Mess...

This is wanting,
This is haunting,
For the need to make sense
Is optional...

Sunday, June 23, 2013


You feed upon my Weaknesses
And I allow you...

I destroy your Strengths
And you allow me...

We share and compare
Our Intentions
Are we meant to Last?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Eyes Ahead

I see
Eyes that Wonder
Hearts that Thunder
Which question Why
they Sit or Hit
the Vertex Sky...

Monday, March 4, 2013

Imagine That

Imagine That
Said by Hat
To Wrench on Bench
Soon be Fixed
From a Mixed Tape...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Thursday, February 28, 2013