Saturday, December 28, 2013

Non Existing

You do not exist
For I have not created you yet...

If I would want
You could cure

So many have come close,
only to fail miserably
at the demands of my dementia...

With a multitude of thoughts
And a series of trails
One must recycle endlessly

For Nothing more than a Memory

No matter how much an intention be
Your presence fades easily as it came
I will conclude without denial and sacrifice
Now continue to bleed and creed your stand

With all this turmoil and confusion
You retreat and deny

Too bent out of shape to give a concept of reality
"I am too confused to make up my mind"
All too eager to mend your ways of dealing
Better to dismiss than deal, easy way out
Only to bring you back to the battle of

Consume will they say
For yet I shall see
And delight in your mind
Rip and tear any and all beliefs far beyond your comprehension


Saturday, December 21, 2013

Another moment

No I shall not give into your style

I am not here to amuse your adolescent ignorance and shallow opinions

Build up your walls as I have already crushed everyone with experience and repetition
Yet you continue to believe without consequences...

Bitter? No bitter than the scorned which could not hold a thought

Would not know happiness if it crept into every orifice of your mentality

Well the "one" does not exist for the reason of your infinite demands and limitations
Shall never find, as it was never was...

Such easy it is to not attempt or ignore
And wonder why your empty is never filled...

But most convincing of the lot
Is the ones that actually have no clue
Yet continue to dismiss the confusion
Only to be confronted with blatant excuses
Which of course only fuels your vicious cycle

Ah, such delight it is to generalize
Gets the hairs raised and self infecting giggles...

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Red the red that fury blinds

Your presence seems to press my buttons
And my buttons be high
My presence seems to press your buttons
And your buttons be nigh

And so now are you suppose to be considered my ex
Since only for a bit we tangled and mangled our words
On a couch we cuddled and giggled about our success
Only to have it fade within days
Now we hold each other at length
Such a short bout it was and fast to conclude

So it was, what is was
A sparkle and flame, rose too high
And out of control, for both of us

Another story to keep and to use against
our "I told you so" mentality

But we did
"destroyed each other, and did not make history"...

random memory #814:

night started out dragging, each group car hopping and making plans that go no where. suddenly unexpected opportunity knocks gently on my window.
"hey, what you guys up to?"
"nothing, you?"
"probably head to _____'s house"
" yeah, you wanna come along?"
"sure, we will follow..."

- such a trio of friends, matched with a trio of potentials, while the 6 of us consume jack and breezers
- picking straws and dibs, soon becomes obsolete, as our female counterparts have their own intentions
- the night and consumables soon fade and our matches make their presence
- each couple heads in their own direction
- in a dark light room, the touch of goose bumps collide
- sounds of heavy breathing and moans fill the hallways
- whilst only a certain version be present within my grasp, I shall conclude with that destination

eddie's black on the tape
in a grey mustang
sun coming up over the trees
windows rolled down to get the cool morning air in
3 buddies quietly contemplate
contemplate the events of the mornings endeavours

to a city that resides over the bridge...

Room Full of Dresses

Thrown into a room, to make us communicate
Your attempt to make small talk is executed with nervousness
And I calm your chills with a warm hand upon your thigh

As the power goes out and we sit in the dark
I feel your hand poke my face and lips
Trying to get a grasp of where I am

I pull your hand and body closer to mine
And just as we are about to connect the power comes on
Sending a jolt and sudden fright throughout your spine
Whether it was timed or not, it gave us a story to remember...

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Not my Car...

With a glance, I vision the past in which we first met
Your mind is already made, with your own first look
Soon to be overturned with the conversational array of banter
and a look that makes you confused and curious
as I raise my head back over the table

On a couch, in a house, on a street, on the east side
we continue to battle our beliefs and bruises
And in a test of my interest, you leave
And stubborn as I am, retreat to the next opponent
Much more and less, we eventually rebound
Only your need is far more exceeded than mine
For now your ease is calmed with my presence

Yet you continue to throw hoops for me to jump through
And I little by little embrace your tactics
And break your concentration
And resolve your intentions

At the request of the time and limits set upon the party
We exit the premises and conclude to our modes of transportations
As I in the state of my consumption
Am not allowed to pursue my course

For your judgement is not whether I am capable
But for your own lingering temptations
I am convinced to enter an agreement with your direction
While others are not invited, we now alone
At your request

Long distance to get back to our starting point
And so our chance to revive the night is conquered
Assumptions are smoothed out and explained
Yet we hold back our intentions

After all the obstacles of the night
We end up in the parking lot of the place that started it all
Lies upon lies are spewed from our mouths
Yet you still believe me, only for your own amusement

You smirk and giggle at my nervousness
and awkward stance, as I question your motives
Your clear of your stance and make it so
You withhold your actions, in fear of consequences

As I do not give you what you wanted, you insist
As I give you what you insist, you overcome
As I resist you, you resist
And we end up on our own path...

to be continued for our next encounter...