Thursday, July 4, 2013

Random Memory: Double Trouble

Alone we sat, in my coloured room, with signatures of those who visited,
red heart shaped trophies from a high school game, taped randomly between poetry and flowers. Incense here and one over there. "where is my mind?" playing over and over on my mixed tape. Knock Knock, echoes on the downstairs side door, I hesitantly remove myself, to see who would be knocking this late. To my surprise, it is the one that should not have been, not now. While one waits up, and one questions me down. In the middle I ponder, ponder how one should handle the situation. But to my amazement, later my amusement. The one below, has come to let me know that our "situational relationship" is not operational (who actually says that?, she came to dump me). No matter, even though one would think that since we have not talked in weeks, that our "situational relationship" was indeed ended...
Right, you ask, what about the one above. Well, seems the walls in that old house are not the best of being a sound barrier. For she obviously heard our conversation. That and the look on her face when I returned. Also the fact that she threw my mixed tape at me.
So there I lay, without my "pixies", without my significant other. Only thing I have left is the memory and ammunition to write about it, so many years later...

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